…the snake…

…here’s the snake that I was so fortunate to see at the cottage door….we’ve named her Cruella…we’re waiting for her babies to come along and visit us….yuck!

…a sea day….

(c) 2009 Jan Dolby
…another day at sea…the sailboat is flying over the waves today…the wind has been blowing in the same direction for our entire vacation…since July 1…bizarre….the kids are rebuilding their sand bridges everyday because of the crazy wind at nightfall…sun is out today so after I grab my java for two I’m heading back to the beach…

…brownie pizza at 10am!…

I’ve lost my mind…I got the kids two slices of brownie pizza with whipped cream at 10am this morning!…2 Chicks Coffee Shop’s slushies weren’t frozen..ugh…they are on a major sugar high…should be great shopping with them this morning…they’ll crash while were in line to pay for something…

…another great sunny day..surprisingly…three in a row for us…

….I’m working on a new painting of my new character and a seagull on the beach…it’s coming together really nicely…love the colours…very beachy….and relaxed…not as much craziness going on…yet…will post soon…over and out…